The program runs minimized in your system tray and right-clicking its icon will reveal the main menu which enables you to access the power commands.
You computer goes through a lot of changes every day, such as new software installations or various other system modifications that usually require a system reboot to take effect. The standard reset procedure may prove to be too slow in certain situations, especially if you have to sit through it more frequently.
Increase your system's shut down speed
PC Utility is an application designed to relieve you of the long waiting times encountered in the default turn off procedure by modifying certain registry entries, in order to boost responsiveness and speedup the shutdown process. In addition, you can also make use of the reset and log off functions, which are slightly improved as well.Furthermore, these tasks can be scheduled using the built-in capabilities of the application, which enable you to shutdown or reboot your system at the specified hour. After the task is added, you can view the amount of remaining time until the effect takes place.
Turn off your screen and adjust the process kill mode
If you just want to save some power by turning off your monitor, you can do that as well from inside the utility by simply clicking on the appropriate button. This sends your monitor in stand by mode and it can easily be turned back on with a simple mouse movement or by hitting any key on your keyboard.The running processes also have a big impact on the shutdown speed of your system, since they have to be safely terminated before the turn off process can proceed. PC Utility gives you the option to adjust the method utilized to kill these processes, but you should be careful using it, since a fast termination can also cause them to end without properly saving important system data.
System Requirements: Windows xp, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8.

Attention please :
Luckhysoft will be turned into "Relybit" from Aril-2018
Now all updates are available on only redound system.
Awesome Software Bro :)