How to Install PC Utility:
An installation of PC Utility is very easy. Following these steps.
- Double-click on PC Utility Setup (exe).
- Click on “Next” button.
- Click On “I Agree” button, if you accept term & conditions of PC Utility License otherwise click on “Cancel”.
- Click on “Install” button. If you want to change installation path of app then click on “Browse” and set another path. After selecting install path click on “Install”.
- Now PC Utility Installing on Your System.
- Click on “Finish” button. System will be Restart after click on finish by default, if you want to system restart later/manual then select another radio button option before click on “Finish” button.
- Now PC Utility successfully installed
on your system.
How to use PC Utility.
How to open: click on PC Utility app icon in system tray to open interface of PC Utility.
Now main window appear on your
Main Window:
Here six control buttons. These
entire performing different-different tasks. See Image
Log off: log off button is used for “End window
session and close all running apps.”
Shut down: button is used for “turn off your
c) Reset: reset button is used for “Restart or Reboot”
your system. With this your system will shut down and start again.
d) Screen off: button is used for power saving of your
screen. It can power off your screen. Press any key from keyboard or move mouse
in any direction for screen power on.
Auto task: To open auto task app window.
Settings: To open app setting window.
Auto Task window:
In Auto task window user can set
schedule of auto tasks. Such as log off. Here “Start Time” labels show time,
when you start the task. “End time” label show time, that set by user and “Remaining Time.” showing how much time is
left before operation. See Image
How to apply auto task:
First set time using “hour”,” minutes”, “AM/PM”
combo box.
Select task by using “Tasks” combo box.
Now, click on “Apply” button.
“Cancel” button for go back to main window.
How to cancel or change auto task:
If you want to stop auto schedule
before operation finished, then click on “Reset” button. Auto Schedule canceled
and now you can set again new auto tasks.
Setting Window:
In setting window you can change
configuration of app. See Image
1. Check box “Automatic run at startup”: if you
want PC Utility start automatically then check it, otherwise uncheck it.
Check box “Run minimized mode”: if you want PC
Utility start in minimized mode and locate in system tray then check it,
otherwise uncheck it, PC Utility run in normal mode.
3. Check box “Enable auto-tasks notification”: if
you Pc Utility give you alert message of auto schedule while “60 seconds”
remaining, check it otherwise auto-task notification will not displaying.
Process kill mode: with this you can easily change
windows registry key values. Best mode is better. If your system shutdowns slow
then you can set to normal or fast according your system.
Apply: with “Apply” button you
can apply new configurations.
Cancel: with “Cancel” button you
can discard new configuration.
POP UP Menu:
Right click on PC Utility app
icon in system tray, pop up menu appear. Pop up menu providing some
control options: See Image
Open/minimize: you can minimize
opened app or open app main windows.
Settings: To open app setting
Quick Control: you can perform
basic task without opening main app window.
Check for updates: for checking
newer version of this app in updater window. If new version available then you
can download new version clicking on “Download” button otherwise button is disabled. “Cancel” button for exiting.
LPU Home-Page: To open Luckhysoft
PC Utility Official Home Page.
Feedback: Online web page for
giving feedback for PC Utility.
About: About window of PC utility. Here you can see App
Name, Version, Descriptions, copy write, developer warning.
Exit: if you want to close PC Utility
from system tray and current your, click on Exit.
Notification window:
If you want
to abort scheduled task click on Exit button.
How to Uninstall PC Utility:
Click on Uninstall (exe). PC Utility Uninstall
windows appear on screen.
Click on “Uninstall” button for Uninstalling or
click on “Cancel” button for exit.
Click on “Finish” button.
PC Utility Uninstalled Successfully.